Welcome to Spring Term 2 24-25
Happy Half Term My Little Foxes!
You've had a fantastic spring term 1! Hope you all have a wonderful break and are ready for an exciting new half term. We have lots in store so have a good rest.
Reminder- Key Information for our class:
*PE Days - Monday and Wednesday (come to school in PE kit on those days)
*Reading diaries signed - Monday
*Maths/English homework (will alternate each week)- sent home on a Monday and due the following Monday
*Spellings - sent home on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday
*Times tables- these will be done on Thursdays.
**Please note that INSET days/Bank Holidays/School Trips etc may impact homework but we will try and maintain routine where possible**.
Spring term 2
Please see below for our topic overview:
Year 2 science topic this half term is Habitats.
Year 3 science topic this half term is Light and Shadow.
Click below to be taken back in time... to Ancient Egypt
Internet Safety
Think you know how to keep yourself safe on the Internet? Do you know how to stay in control? How do you report an issue? Use this website to learn how.
Times Tables
Improve your multiplication knowledge with these games!
Watch out for all the fun challenges we will be having this year on... Click here and earn some coins!
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