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Rabbits Class - Mrs Huntingford

Summer Term 1 2023/24

Swimming will take place this half term for SOME children in years 4, 5 and 6. Please keep an eye on Class Dojo for more information.

Key Information for Rabbits:

*PE Days - Monday and Wednesday (come to school in PE kit on those days)

*Reading diaries signed - Monday

*Maths/English homework (will alternate each week)- sent home on a Monday and due the following Monday

*Spellings & Times Tables - sent home on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday


**Please note that INSET days/Bank Holidays/School Trips etc may impact homework but we will try and maintain routine where possible**

Welcome back my little bunnies - Summer Term has finally arrived and it is my absolute favourite term of the year!

We have so much to look forward to and pack into the term: residential, swimming, Sports Day, The Book Bus... the list goes on. I cannot wait to work through it with all of you.

As always, if there is anything you are worried about or would like to ask me, then please come and find me - I am always around to help you.

I can't wait to welcome you back and hear about what you've all been up to during the Easter break... I do also expect to see some leftover eggs on my desk when we get back ;). 

Mrs H xx


This half term, our whole school BIG QUESTION is:


What are the different biomes in the world?


We will be learning about how climate differs in different continents, what the different biomes are, how flora and fauna adapt to life in different biomes and what challenges are faced when living in different biomes.


Have a look at the links below to find out more...

What are biomes?

The first thing we need to know is, 'what are biomes?' Click the link below to find out:

Biomes of the World

To look at how the world is divided up into different biomes, click on the link below:

(There are also some beautiful photographs on this website too)

Plants: need for survival

In Science, we are going to be learning about plants: the structure of plants, what plants need for survival and how plants reproduce. Click on the link below to get a head start with your learning!

Topic Overview

Please see below for an overview of our learning this half term.

 Recommended Reads

Here are some fabulous recommended reads for year 4 and year 5.

If you think you can add any more to the list, please share your thoughts with myself or the class!

For more recommended reads, please also see this half term's Reading Newsletter displayed in the entrance hall.

Times Tables...

Download the document below to practise your times tables at home!

Times Tables

How good is your times table knowledge? Click on the picture below to test your skills.


Do you know all your spelling patterns? Click on the spelling bee to test your knowledge.


Click on the flag below for French resources to help practise your language skills.

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