Kinoulton Primary School

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Staff - Who are we?

Headteacher Mr Paramore
Deputy Headteacher Mrs Huntingford
School Business Manager Mrs Eyers
SENDCo Miss Clackworthy
Hedgehogs Teacher Mrs Barker
Squirrels Teacher Miss Clackworthy/Mrs Westmoreland
Foxes Teacher Miss Dean
Rabbits Teacher Mrs McDonald
Badgers Teacher Mrs Huntingford
Teaching Assistants Mrs Sargent
  Mrs Hammond
  Mrs Richardson
Classroom Assistants Mrs Lowe
Mrs Yeoman
Mrs Bourne
Mrs Beardsmore
Miss Clayton
Site Manager Mr Daley
Cleaners Mrs Bourne
  Mrs Collison
Senior Midday Supervisor Mrs Lowe
Midday Supervisors Mrs Yeoman
  Mrs Bourne
Mrs Beardsmore
Miss Clayton
School Chef Mrs Rate
Kitchen Assistant Mrs Gagg